Creation Care

We believe all land is a precious gift from God and taking care of it is one of our oldest human callings. For the past 40 years, our small hillock in Bonsall has been abused and mistreated. Restoring the land we’ve been blessed to steward is central to our mission. When we prioritize the well-being of our local ecosystems, we not only protect God’s creation but also ensure the health and prosperity of our own communities.

Current Creation Care Projects:

  • Watershed Restoration Project (trash removal, invasive species removal, educational hiking trails)

  • Native Perennial Tree & Shrub Planting

  • Compost and Mulching Program

  • Creation Care Club

What is Christian Creation Care?

Rooted in the belief that God created the Earth and entrusted it to humanity, Christian creation care is a call to be responsible stewards of the environment. It draws inspiration from biblical teachings that highlight the interconnectedness of all creation and emphasize the importance of caring for the Earth. The idea is to approach environmental issues with a sense of reverence for God's creation, promoting sustainability, conservation, and responsible use of resources.